Meet the crew.

Rev. Rod Kimble

Senior pastor
Reverend Rod Kimble is a dynamic pastor with an unshakable faith and an adventurous spirit, known for his daring stunts that bring the Gospel to life in unexpected ways. With a heart of devotion and a passion for both God and his congregation, Reverend Kimble fearlessly leaps over obstacles and bridges gaps, mirroring his teachings of love, courage, and perseverance. Through his death-defying acts and inspiring sermons, he reminds us all that with faith as our guide, we can overcome any obstacle on our spiritual journey.

Pastor Denise

Assistant Pastor
Pastor Denise is a compassionate and insightful spiritual leader whose presence radiates warmth and understanding. With a heart full of empathy and a deep connection to her congregation, Pastor Denise offers guidance and wisdom that resonates with the challenges of modern life. Her sermons are a source of comfort and inspiration, as she skillfully weaves together faith, humor, and real-world experiences to remind her flock of the enduring power of love and faith in navigating life's twists and turns.

Pastor Dave

Youth Pastor
Reverend Dave is an energetic and enthusiastic youth pastor, dedicated to guiding the younger members of the congregation on their spiritual journeys. With a contagious passion for both faith and fun, Reverend Dave brings the teachings of the Gospel to life in relatable ways for the youth. His engaging sermons and dynamic activities create a space where young hearts can grow in faith, learn life lessons, and develop a strong sense of community, all while sharing in the joyous journey of discovering their purpose in God's plan.


Church Secretary
Rico serves as the devoted and efficient church secretary, embodying an unwavering commitment to keeping the congregation's affairs in order. With a keen eye for detail and a heart full of service, Rico ensures that the church functions smoothly, from scheduling events to maintaining communication. His friendly demeanor and helpful nature make him an approachable point of contact for both members and visitors, embodying the spirit of hospitality and unity that defines the church's welcoming environment.